Healing justice

Most community organizers and leaders are suffering the same inequities, trauma and violence they are working to abolish without the professional resources and support necessary to maintain wellness—both individually and organizationally. Motivated by the work of Kindred Southern Healing Justice Collective, who first coined the term “Healing Justice”, to articulate a practice already happening in movement spaces, we combined wisdoms from our own organizing experiences with our mental health and wellness training to offer specialized wellness services that address the psychological, physical, spiritual and emotional toll justice work has on leaders and their organizations.

How We Support

  • Staff Wellness & Retention

    This program is specifically designed for movement-led organizations facing burnout, fatigue, post action trauma, cohesion, internal equity or conflict and other issues that impact staff wellness, cohesion, retention and overall sustainability.

  • Organizational Wellness Equity

    Without liberated models of organizational management to gleam from, Executive Directors and leaders of movement organizations often face extreme burn out and feel as if they have to choose between the health and wellness of their staff, and the success of the movement. We help organizational leaders implement anti-oppressive, human-centered, trauma-sensitive, organizational management practices that ensure their internal structure, policies, procedures, practices and cultural norms reflect the collective liberation they are fighting for.

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